Fragrance 2006 年一个灵感启发了一个信念-「香味」和音乐、诗歌一样都是精神的甘露、灵魂的粮食。 Scent 「香味」不只是敬天祭神的媒介供品,不只是产品的芳香添加剂。 Spirit 「香味」更是人升华魂魄、淬炼灵性得到喜悦自在的元素。
Initial Test A Flash of Inspiration The cause of making agarwood oil Fragrance In 2006, an inspiration inspired a belief that "scent" is the same as music and poetry. Scent "Scent" is not only a media or an offering for the worship of the gods, or an aromatic additive for the goods. Spirit "Scent" is also an element of human beings whose spirits have been sublimated and refined.
Fragrance 2006 年一個靈感啟發了一個信念-「香味」和音樂、詩歌一樣都是精神的甘露、靈魂的糧食。 Scent 「香味」不只是敬天祭神的媒介供品,不只是產品的芳香添加劑。 Spirit 「香味」更是人昇華魂魄、淬煉靈性得到喜悅自在的元素。